Recovery Warriors & Heroes        Presented by Spuggz, LLC 
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About Recovery

Every addiction takes its toll of dreams, relationships, and lives. Some addictions are more disruptive than others and the devastating ripple effect can tear apart families and friends and destroys lives.

Yet, despite knowing the horrific potential for loss, every day, someone is sucked into the delusion that they have enough discipline to try it "only once", or maybe they'll just use long enough to get through the pain.

Sadly, the statistics prove otherwise. "just once", or "for just a little while", doesn't exist. Good people from good families are lost every day to the monster of addiction. All the discipline and willpower in the world cannot save you if you don't know everything you need to fix. 

If you want to recover from the disease of addiction, you need to learn to manage your life differently.  You need a plan

 Before you can create a solid plan to overcome addiction, you need more understanding of how you got here and of the mental and physical changes to your body that your addiction caused...changes that make it almost impossible to quit on your own.

We know that the mental and physical changes your addiction has caused make it almost impossible to quit on your own. Fighting addiction is hard, you have to “quit’ every day! But the effect that addiction has on your life; health, relationships, finances, homelessness, and legal problems, make the fight worth it!  

“Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” – Arthur Ashe

Reality  12-step programs are based on turning your life over to a higher power.  But what if you don't have the same belief or vision of a higher power that the 12-step programs encourage?  What if you need more than what the 12-step programs offer?  

We know that all drug and alcohol use started as a solution to a problem, and ended up taking you down the wrong road.  We also know that if the original issue or problem isn't understood, addressed or resolved, the addiction will continued, or return at a later date, regardless of religious or spiritual beliefs.

The sad and scary reality is that 74% of the addiction recovery programs available in the United States are based on 12-step programs.  Yet, we know there are more pieces to the recovery puzzle than just 12 steps.  Just because you treat the symptoms doesn't mean you cure the disease.

There's a reason you start using again and again...something deeper than a physical dependence.   Our Power of 90 Days recovery programs help you get to the root of the problem and walk you step-by-step, day-by-day, through lessons, activities, and challenges that can help you determine which recovery protocols will actually work for your particular situation and unique worldview.

How Long Does Recovery Take?  How long it will take for someone to recover from addiction depends on many factors.  Factors such as:

  • How long has there been an addiction 
  • How many substances are being used
  • What is your general health
  • What kind of support do you have
  • Are you able to recover in a safe environment
  • What kind of time can you devote to your recovery
  • What kind of circle of influence are you involved in
  • How dedicated are you to continuing recovery - Are you willing to do what ever it takes?
  • And so many more factors!

While setting a clean date is great for detoxing, understanding and accepting that continued recovery is a lifelong challenge will help you stay clean and rebuild the life you want.