Power of 90 Days Presented by Spuggz, LLC
Guidelines for Submitting Your Story, Poem or Tribute/Memorial.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- USER CONTENT Anything a Power of 90 Days Member (Warrior or Hero) posts, shares, or uploads to the Forums is considered to be User Content. This includes, but is not limited to, posts, text, comments, images, videos, or any type of material uploaded, and any interaction shared on the recovery Forum. CONTENT WARNING While the intent of Power of 90 Days is to offer a platform where Members can receive and give support, encourage, motivate, and uplift other Members, the Forums may contain comments, posts, stories, poems, tributes, images, videos, or materials that have the potential to invoke traumatic and disturbing memories and thoughts. Sometimes, words or images can cause sadness, depression, emotional distress, anxiety, or triggers, especially for those who are survivors of abuse, abandonment, violence, addiction, emotional issues, or trauma. For some people, these responses can be overwhelming. If a Member feels overwhelmed or disturbed by the content shared on the Forum (or on the Power of 90 Days websites or other platforms, we encourage Member to reach out to a family member, friend, or to a professional such as a physician or therapist. 800-273-8255 Suicide Prevention Hotline MentalHealth.gov https://www.mentalhealth.gov/get-help/immediate-help Live Chat