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Addiction FAQs

It's likely that someone you know experiences some form of addiction, or the ripples effects caused by a loved one's, an employee's, or a co-worker's addiction.   The sad reality is that addiction continue to be stigmatized and is seldom discussed among family and friends. 

While most people want to help, the majority lack basic understanding and education of what addiction is, and isn't, and how to effectively treat the problem.  and, unfortunately, common myths continue to circulate.  Below are some of the most common questions and answers about addiction.

How can I tell if I’m addicted?

Is your use of a substance disrupting your life? Is it affecting your relationships with family, friends, co-workers and/or loved ones? Do you experience withdrawal symptoms when you don’t use? If you answer yes to any of these questions, you may be addicted.

​How much does addiction cost?

Heavy substance abusers spend up to half, maybe more, of their monthly income on drugs. That doesn't include the cost to society or the emotional cost to family and friends.

 Can I be addicted to more than one substance?

It is common for abusers to be addicted to more than one substance or behavioral addiction. For example, you may be addicted to opioids and gambling. This is called co-occurring disorder.

​Do drugs and alcohol impact the brain?

Yes! Drugs can alter important areas in the brain such as: Brain Stem, (controls basic functions such as heart rate, breathing and sleeping) Cerebral Cortex (divided into four different lobes, the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital, which are each responsible for processing different types of sensory information.

​The frontal lobe is responsible for initiating and coordinating motor movements; higher cognitive skills, such as problem solving, thinking, planning, and organizing; and for many aspects of personality and emotional makeup.

The parietal Lobe is involved with sensory processes, attention, and language and the limbic system ( controls the brain’s reward programming, linking different brain structure that control and regulate the ability to feel pleasure.

The temporal lobe is located on the bottom section of the brain. This lobe is also the location of the primary auditory cortex, which is important for interpreting sounds and the language we hear.

The occipital lobe is one of the four major lobes of the cerebral cortex in the brain and is the visual processing center.

How do drugs affect the brain?

Most drugs flood the brain with dopamine, a type of neurotransmitter that helps control the brain’s reward and pleasure centers. With continued drug use, the brain adjusts to the excess dopamine by making less and less of it and reduces the ability of receptors in the brain to respond to it.

What if I’m not ready for treatment?

Even if you’re not committed 100% to getting clean and staying clean, you know you’re ready for some type of help, or you wouldn't be here right now looking for answers. It’s important to understand that treatment can still be successful. You don’t need to hit rock bottom to get help, and you don’t need to get totally clean to benefit from the Warriors & Heroes program. For example, if you get healthier on a physical, emotional, or spiritual level, you just might get strong enough to get totally clean the next time around. You need to start where you can, and do what you can, so you get stronger and stronger as you go along.

Is it safe to quit cold turkey?

If you are a heavy drinker, smoker, or drug user, it can be dangerous to quit cold turkey. Your body may try to overcompensate for the brisk chemical change to your body and may undergo rapid changes to maintain normal functioning. This could cause adverse effects and complications to your brain, heart, and other vital organs. Symptoms such as abnormal heart rhythms, dehydration, vomiting, seizures, confusion, and delirium have been known to occur in people who quit a heavy and long-time habit cold turkey and could be fatal or cause permanent bodily damage.

Who is at risk of becoming addicted?

No single factor can predict whether a person might become addicted to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or a behavior. However, scientists believe a high percentage of risk comes from a person’s biology (the genes you are born with. Risk for addiction is influenced by a person’s biology, social environment (influences from family, friends, social environment, economic status and quality of life) and age or stage of development (the earlier the drug, alcohol, tobacco or behavioral use begins, the more likely it is to progress to more serious abuse). The more risk factors a person has, the greater the chance of becoming addicted.

What is an opioid?

Opioids are a class of drugs most often used to reduce pain. They act on opioid-sensitive receptors or chemical “docking” ports in the nervous system. Because they often produce a feeling of euphoria, they are easily abused. Some of the drugs classified as an opioid are morphine, oxycodone (OxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin), and the synthetic drug Fentanyl.

What is the difference between drug tolerance and drug dependence?

When a person needs more of a drug to achieve the same effect that they previously felt with a lower dose, more than likely, they have developed a tolerance to that drug. When a person’s life revolves around the use of a substance and/or when a person experiences withdrawal symptoms when not taking the drug, this is a dependence.

Why do people use drugs, alcohol, or tobacco ,or engage in behavioral addictions such as gambling or social media?

People start and continue to use drugs and alcohol for several reasons. Some of these include:

  • To relax
  • To forget problems
  • To have fun
  • To fit in with the “cool” crowd
  • To feel more confident
  • To be social
  • Because they’re curious
  • To remove personal responsibility for decisions and actions
  • Because they’re bored
  • To relieve stress
  • Environment – Everyone else is doing it
  • To celebrate
  • To mask or alleviate pain

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