Are You Ready for Recovery?
There are certain questions in life that no one else can but you. To find the answer, you must search within yourself and decide for yourself. “Am I ready for recovery?” is one of the questions that are for you alone to decide.
However, recovery starts with the desire to change. Even if it's a small step forward, it's still a change. If you're tired of the way you have been living, tired of the direction your life is headed, and believe you're ready for even a small step, a small change such as harm reduction, then you just might be ready for recovery.
Stages of Change: Originally developed by psychologist James Prochaska with further development by psychologists Carlo DiClemente, John Norcross, and many others, this well-established, research-based approach has been used successfully for decades in helping people change a wide variety of behaviors including smoking cessation, weight loss, stopping alcohol and drugs, managing anxiety and depression, and many more.